About Us

We are located just off Highway US 73/K7 (also known as Amelia Earhart) at 21104 Edwards Drive, Easton, KS 66020.  

Services start at 10:30 am every Sunday.  Feel free to come early to fellowship with others.

Please join us Sundays at 10:30 am in person, via telephone or online, more information can be found on our calendar.  

You may also find more information on our Facebook page.  

Our Mission:

Round Prairie Christian Church was borne out of a body of believers; 
who desire to dedicate our lives to make Jesus Christ and His saving Grace the 
 center of all we are and hope to be. 

We aspire to teach the Bible, the inspired and infallible Word of God; 
to proclaim the gospel of salvation; and take that gospel to our fellowship, 
our community, and to the rest of the  world as the Lord leads.

We at Round Prairie Christian Church believe:

  • We are the Christian church, which is the body and bride of Christ. It is
    composed of all persons, who through the saving faith in Jesus Christ, have
    been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Corporately and individually, its members
    strive to worship, serve, and glorify God through prayer and praise, diligent
    study and application of the Scriptures, evangelism, sanctified living, good
    works, and observance of the rites of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The
    ultimate mission of the church is the discipleship of all nations-not only the
    saving of souls (which is primary) but also the bringing of the gospel to bear
    on every aspect of life and thought-until the Lord returns.
  • We are to boldly proclaim the gospel of salvation. Anyone, bond or free, man
    or woman, adult or child may freely receive the gift of eternal life through
    the forgiveness of sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ when He paid the
    ultimate cost and final sacrifice upon the cross.
  • It is by faith alone, through Christ alone, that we are saved. Only through
    the cross are we saved and justified and only through the cross do we serve
    and honor Christ. Everyone is in need of God’s salvation. Mankind is unable to
    fulfill the heavy demands of God’s righteousness, holiness and glory.
    Therefore, God, in sending His Only Begotten Son, has accomplished redemption
    for us through the shedding of Jesus’ blood. Because of His Son’s death, God
    has forgiven us of our sins, reconciled us to Himself, and justified us by
    making Him our righteousness.
  • All believers are members of the body of Christ, the one true church
    universal. Spiritual unity is to be expressed among Christians by love of one
    another. The local church is a group of believers who gather for worship,
    prayer, instruction, encouragement, mutual accountability, community with each
    other, and as a witness to the world.
  • We are to teach the purpose and ministry of the Trinity; our standing with
    God the Father. Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and the meaning and
    purpose of the body of Christ.
  • We are to help Christians become mature in their relationship and walk with
  • We are to provide opportunities to serve, reach out to others, and prepare
    for ministry and missions.
  • As 1 Peter 3:15 states: “to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and be
    ready always to give an answer to every man that asks a reason for the hope
    that is in us with meekness and fear.”
  • We are to follow the command of Christ: “Love the Lord your God with all your
    heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and
    greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love you neighbor as
    yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
    (Matthew 22:37-39 NIV)